دورة برمجة قواعد بيانات اوراكل SQL -PLSQL

  • الرياض / السعودية
  • آخر تحديث: 2019-07-20

عن بعد/اونلاين  حضوري وجها لوجه برمجة | Programming 

يتم تدريس الكورس الكامل للجزء المتعلق بألاوراكل SQL 

وكذلك الجزء المتعلق بالاوراكل PL/SQl 

ويعد هذا الكورس من الكورسات المهمة للبداية في اي عمل برمجي يتعلق بالداتا بيز، ويعد من الأساسيات التي لا غنى عنها عن

1- Introduction to Oracle SQL Retrieving Data Using the SQL SELECT Statement.

  1. Define projection, selection, and join terminology.
  2. Review the syntaxes for the basic SQL SELECT statements.
  3. Use Arithmetic and Concatenation operators in SQL statements Restricting and Sorting Data Limit rows using a selection.
  4. Using the WHERE clause to retrieve specific rows.
  5. Using the comparison conditions in the WHERE clause
  6. Use the LIKE condition to compare literal values
  7. List the logical conditions AND, OR, NOT
  8. Describe the rules of precedence for the conditions shown in this lesson
  9. Sort rows with the ORDER BY clause Reporting Aggregated Data Using the Group Functions
  10. Describe and categorize the group functions
  11. Use the group functions
  12. Utilize the DISTINCT keyword with the group functions
  13. Describe how nulls are handled with the group functions
  14. Create groups of data with the GROUP BY clause
  15. Group data by more than one column
  16. Exclude groups of data with the HAVING clause Using Sub queries to Solve Queries
  17. List the syntax for sub queries in a SELECT statements WHERE clause
  18. List the guidelines for using sub queries
  19. Describe the types of sub queries
  20. Execute single row sub queries and use the group functions in a sub query
  21. Identify illegal statements with sub queries
  22. Execute multiple row sub queries
  23. Analyze how the ANY and ALL operators work in multiple rows sub queries
  24. Explain how null values are handled in sub queries Using the SET Operators
  25. Use the UNION operator to return all rows from multiple tables and eliminate any duplicate rows
  26. Use the UNION ALL operator to return all rows from multiple tables
  27. Describe the INTERSECT operator
  28. Use the INTERSECT operator
  29. Explain the MINUS operator
  30. Use the MINUS operator
  31. ist the SET operator guidelines
  32. Order results when using the UNION operator Manipulating Data
  33. Write INSERT statements to add rows to a table
  34. Copy rows from another table
  35. Create UPDATE statements to change data in a table
  36. Generate DELETE statements to remove rows from a table
  37. Use a script to manipulate data
  38. Save and discard changes to a table through transaction processing
  39. Show how read consistency works
  40. Describe the TRUNCATE statement Creating Other Schema Objects
  41. List the main database objects and describe the naming rules for database objects (Views, Indexes….)
  42. Display the basic syntax for creating a table and show the DEFAULT option
  43. Explain the different types of constraints
  44. Show resulting exceptions when constraints are violated with DML statements
  45. Create a table with a sub query and remove a table with the DROP statement
  46. Describe the ALTERTABLE functionality
  47. Rename a table Managing Objects with Data Dictionary Views
  48. Describe the structure of each of the dictionary views
  49. List the purpose of each of the dictionary views
  50. Write queries that retrieve information from the dictionary views on the schema objects Using Single Row Functions to Customize Reports
  51. Show the differences between single row and multiple row SQL functions
  52. Categorize the character functions into case manipulation and character manipulation types
  53. Use the character manipulation functions in the SELECT and WHERE clauses
  54. Explain and use the DATE and numeric functions
  55. Use the SYSDATE function to retrieve the current date in the default format
  56. Introduce the DUAL table as a means to view function results
  57. List the rules for applying the arithmetic operators on dates
  58. Use the arithmetic operators with dates in the SELECT clause Displaying Data from Multiple Tables
  59. Show the join tables syntax using SQL 99 syntax
  60. Use table aliases to write shorter code and explicitly identify columns from multiple tables
  61. ssue a SQL CROSS JOIN statement to produce a Cartesian product
  62. Use the NATURAL JOIN clause to retrieve data from tables with the same named columns
  63. Create a join with the USING clause to identify specific columns between tables
  64. Create a three way join with the ON clause to retrieve information from 3 tables
  65. List the types of outer joins LEFT, RIGHT, and FULL
  66. Add additional conditions when joining tables with the AND clause Controlling User Access
  67. Controlling user access
  68. System versus objects privileges
  69. Creating and granting privileges to a role
  70. Granting and revoking object privileges
  71. Changing your password
  72. Using Database Links Manage Schema Objects
  73. Creating Index Organized Tables
  74. Creating Function based indexes
  75. Dropping Columns
  76. Altering the structure of tables and adding constraints Generating Reports by Grouping Related Data
  77. Overview of GROUP BY and Having Clause
  78. Determine subtotal groups using GROUPING Functions
  79. Compute multiple groupings with GROUPING SETS
  80. Define levels of aggregation with Composite Columns
  81. Create combinations with Concatenated Groupings Using DDL Statements to Create and Manage Tables
  82. List the main database objects and describe the naming rules for database objects
  83. Introduce the schema concept
  84. Display the basic syntax for creating a table and show the DEFAULT option
  85. Explain the different types of constraints
  86. Create a table with a sub query
  87. Describe the ALTER TABLE functionality
  88. Remove a table with the DROP statement and Rename a table

2 - Oracle: Program with PL/SQL PL/SQL Basics

  1. PL/SQL Block
  2. Anonymous Block Structure
  3. Named Block Structure
  4. Executing Blocks
  5. Calling PL/SQL Functions
  6. Executing PL/SQL Blocks and Functions Declaring Variables
  7. Variable Usage
  8. Variable Data Types
  9. Variable Naming
  10. Variable Assignment
  11. Variable Display
  12. Complex Variable Types
  13. More Information
  14. Variable Declaration, Initialization and Display Within the Block
  15. Conditional Processing o The IF Statement o The CASE Statement
  16. Iterative Processing o The LOOP Statement o The WHILE Statement o The FOR Statement Handling Exceptions
  17. Overview of Exceptions
  18. Causing System Generated Exceptions
  19. Handling System Generated Exceptions
  20. Identifying System Generated Exceptions
  21. OTHERS Exception Handler
  22. User Defined Exceptions Use of SQL in PL/SQL
  23. Implicit Cursors
  24. %TYPE and %ROWTYPE Attributes
  25. EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement
  26. Cursors Attributes
  27. Implicit Cursor
  28. Explicit Cursors
  29. Explicit Cursor
  30. Cursor FOR loop Database Triggers
  31. Purpose of Triggers
  32. Invocation of Triggers
  33. Coding Triggers
  34. Validation Trigger
  35. Modifying Triggers
  36. Viewing Triggers
  37. Enabling/Disabling Triggers
  38. Trigger Errors
م . اسلام العدوى

م . اسلام العدوى


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خبرة في تدريب  وشرح الوسائل البرمجية نظريا وعمليا SQL- ORACLE-JAVA-ADF

خبرة في تحليل قواعد البيانات بما يتناسب مع البزنس المطلوب تنفيذه

و انجزت العديد من الانظمة الكترونية كامله على بيئة حية في قطاعات مختلفة حكومية وطبية وعسكرية بتقنية Oracle ADF   على الويب.

مهارة بقيادة فريق تطوير برمجي وتحليل المشاكل وايجاد الحلول السريعة لها.


Oracle Business Intelligence

,Oracle Database (11g, 12c

SQL Server, MySQL,

Oracle ADF (11.1.3, 11.1.7, 12.1.0, 12.2.1),


Oracle Spatial,

Jasper, Crystal Reports,

Skelta BPM.

Java SE, JSF, JSP,

HTML,Jscript, JQuery, bootstrap, CSS,

Servlets, Web-Services (SOAP-REST),


WebLogic, IIS

حاصل علي بكالوريوس علوم الحاسب من جامعه اسيوط

خبره ٥ سنوات في برمجه التطبيقات بواسطه قواعد بيانات اوركال و Oracle Business Intelligence و المشهور ب oracle BI

خبره في html,css,javascript ,jquery , 

خبره في java , C sharp , oracle SQL , oracle PL-SQL , ADF

إنشاء التطبيقات المكتبيه desktop application و web applications 

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  • Louis Ferguson

    Removed demands expense account in outward tedious do. Particular way thoroughly unaffected projection?

دورة برمجة قواعد بيانات اوراكل SQL -PLSQL

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