Physiology علم وظائف الاعضاء
- الرياض / السعودية
- آخر تحديث: 2024-08-14
is the study of how the human body works. It describes the chemistry and physics behind basic body functions, from how molecules behave in cells to how systems of organs work together. It helps understand wh
Why study physiology?
Research in physiology helps us to understand how the body works in health and how it responds and adapts to the challenges of everyday life; it also helps us to determine what goes wrong in disease, facilitating the development of new treatments and guidelines for maintaining human and animal health
What are the five branches of physiology?
Branches of Physiology
Cell physiology.
System physiology.
Evolutionary physiology.
Defense physiology.
Exercise physiology
Cellular physiology-
It refers to the study of various cell activities. Organ physiology- It refers to the study of the heart and circulatory system. Systemic physiology- Refers to the study of specific organ systems and their functions
خبير كورسات طبيه وكورسات اسعافات اوليه
خبير بالنظام الجديد لدراسة الطب في جميع انحاء الدول العربيه (نظام الموديول)
خبير بطريقة شرح مبسطه من خلال الشرح التفاعلي بالصور والدياجرامات
خبير بمراجعه الكلينيكال ومراجعة الامتحانات والتركيز علي النقاط الهامه والرئيسيه لكل درس
معانا الطالب هيقدر يفهم طب كويس.. يعرف ازاي يشخص ويعالج صح ويقدر يكون دكتور علي قدر المسؤوليه ان شاء الله
اهلا بيكم
معاكم د/ممدوح صلاح
اخصائي الباطنه العامه والرعايه المركزه
حاصل علي بكالريوس الطب والجراحه جامعة الازهر بالقاهره
الزماله المصريه للباطنه العامه والحالات الحرجه
حاصل علي شهادات ALS و BLS
خبير كورسات طبيه لجميع المراحل بالطب البشري
تواصل مع المدربFrequently Asked Questions
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Frances Guerrero
Removed demands expense account in outward tedious do. Particular way thoroughly unaffected projection?
Lori Stevens
See resolved goodness felicity shy civility domestic had but Drawings offended yet answered Jennings perceive. Domestic had but Drawings offended yet answered Jennings perceive.
Louis Ferguson
Removed demands expense account in outward tedious do. Particular way thoroughly unaffected projection?
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