تمريض - التعامل الصحيح مع حالات ارتفاع ضغط الجمجمه

علوم صحية | Health sciences طب بشري | Medicine 

  • 2024-04-27

في الفيديو اشرح حاله طبيه هامه جدا وطارئه لا تحتمل القرار البطئ .

المرضي اللذين يعانون من تسمم فالدم نتيجه التهاب الاغشيه السحائيه 


في هذه الحاله يعاني المريض من ارتفاع بضغط الجمجمه وتظهر عليه اهم الاعراض وهي :

- صداع شديد لا يطاق - قئ - سخونيه - تيبس في عضلات الرقبه الخلفيه و اعراض اخري شرحتها باستفاضه في الفيديو 


اجراء يجب ان يتخذ هو fluid administration  وباقي الاجراءات شرحتها ايضا فالفيدوي

Increased Intracranial Pressure (ICP):

Elevated ICP occurs due to swelling or increased fluid within the skull.

In bacterial meningitis, inflammation and edema contribute to elevated ICP.

Clinical signs include headaches, vomiting, and altered consciousness.

Monitoring and aggressive management of ICP are crucial for patient survival

Bacterial Meningitis:

Bacterial meningitis is a rapidly progressive bacterial infection that affects the meninges 

(the protective membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord) and the subarachnoid space.

Common symptoms include headache, fever, and nuchal rigidity (stiff neck).

Diagnosis involves analyzing cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).

Prompt treatment with antibiotics and sometimes corticosteroids is crucial.

Bacteria initially multiply in the CSF without causing inflammation. Later, they release substances triggering an inflammatory response.

Complications can include:

Hydrocephalus: Abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain.

Arterial or venous infarcts: Inflammation and thrombosis of blood vessels in the brain.

Abducens palsy: Compression or inflammation of the 6th cranial nerve.

Deafness: Inflammation of the 8th cranial nerve or middle ear structures.

Increased intracranial pressure (ICP): Due to cerebral edema.

Brain abscess (if infection penetrates brain tissue).

Brain herniation: A common cause of death during acute stages.

Systemic complications: Such as septic shock, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)

هل كان الشرح مفيد؟

Dr.Mohammed Adel


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    • علوم صحية | Health sciences
    • طب بشري | Medicine
    • علوم | Sciences
    • تغذية | Nutrition
    • الصحة العامة | General Health
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