Endocrine System - Exercise In Diabetes

طب بشري | Medicine 

  • 2024-07-19

يتعرض مرضي السكر واللذين بصفه مستمره يكونو عل جرعه منتظمه من الانسولين الي بعض 

الاشياء التي قد تجعل هذا الدواء سم قاتل 

ومنها  الاهمال ف اكل الوجبات الصحيه 

او ممارسه الرياضه بصوره شديده جدا وغير منتظمه

والذي قد يوؤدي لاي انخفاض مستويات لاسكر والاغماءؤ  الفوري  


ف الفيديو شرحت لكم الفرق في تاثير الرياضه

عل الناس لاطبيعين ومرضي السكر




**Exercise-Induced Hypoglycemia (EIH): What You Need to Know**


Exercise-induced hypoglycemia (EIH) refers to low blood sugar levels during or after physical activity. Here are the key points about EIH:


1. **Definition and Symptoms**:

   - EIH occurs when blood glucose levels drop below 70 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) during exercise.

   - Symptoms may include weakness, shakiness, dizziness, confusion, anxiety, and fainting.

   - Severe hypoglycemia can be life-threatening, leading to seizures, coma, or even death.


2. **Causes**:

   - During exercise, active muscles require extra fuel, increasing glucose demand.

   - Factors contributing to EIH include:

     - Intense workouts demanding more energy.

     - Low blood glucose due to hunger or diabetes medication.

     - Insulin sensitivity, making insulin more effective and reducing blood glucose rapidly.


3. **Prevention**:

   - Strategies for preventing EIH:

     - Ensure adequate carbohydrate intake.

     - Avoid exercising immediately after a meal.

     - Stay hydrated and avoid excessive alcohol consumption without food.


4. **Treatment**:

   - Mild EIH usually doesn't require specific treatment.

   - Chronic EIH may need medication, but lifestyle changes often suffice.


5. **Seeking Help**:

   - Consult a doctor if you experience persistent or severe EIH symptoms.


هل كان الشرح مفيد؟

Dr.Mohammed Adel


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