Magdy samir youssef sedra

Magdy samir youssef sedra

  • عن بعد/اونلاين
  • 0/5
  • الجنسية: EG مصر Egypt
  • ذكر / 25
  • 2021-02-07

خبرة اكتر من 3 سنين في البرمجة و مسابقات البرمجة. خبرة ايضا في مهارات التدريس.

لو ابنك حب البرمجة هتبقي فرصة حلوة عشان المجال مهم جدا للمستقبل و محتاج سنين للتميز فيه. لو دخل كلية ليها علاقة بمجال البرمجة هيبقي متميز عن صحابه وسابقهم كتير وممكن يشتغل بسهولة في احسن شركات في العالم زي جوجل و فيسبوك و امازون حتي لو في كلية تانية عشان هيبقي عنده خبرة من سنين


I have more than 3 years experience in programming and programming competitions, also in teaching skills

 I am interested in programming and programming competitions and have qualified this year from Egypt to the Africa and Arab programming  competition that qualifies to the international competition (ICPC) which is one of the most important programming competitions in the world

If your son become interested in programming and in competing in such competitions and started learning programming from a young age, when he enters the college, he will be over qualified comparing to his colleagues and he can easily work in top software companies like Facebook , Google , and Microsoft

طالب بكلية الهندسة جامعة الاسكندرية قسم كمبيوتر خريج مدرسة الحرية الدولية دبلومة امريكية.

I am currently pursuing my bachelor's degree in Computer engineering from Faculty of engineering, Alexandria University in Egypt. I had taken the american diploma in high school from International Liberty School in Alexandria, Egypt 

 I am interested in programming and programming competitions and have qualified this year from Egypt to the Africa and Arab programming competition that qualifies to the international competition (ICPC) which is one of the most important programming competitions


مصر/الاسكندرية - Glim - Alexandria - Egypt

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