Khaled Ksrawy

Khaled Ksrawy

  • عن بعد/اونلاين
  • 0/5
  • الجنسية: EG مصر Egypt
  • ذكر
  • 2023-07-08

Hey, I am Khaled Ksrawy, I am a third-year medical student in Minya Uni, it’s my first time to really teach, like teaching for living, I have been helping a lot of my colleagues in medical school by explaining a lot of things related mostly to physiology( how the body works) cause it can be the hardest if not understood well, and what made me think about teaching is they all said I am good at it, and why science and biology specifically, cause they are the most subjects related to medicine, subjects I am pretty sure I can be brilliant at, beside that I have always loved science and biology ,
They are lovable after all

I am still a student and don't have any certificates 


مصر/المنيا - Maghagha- Minya province

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