Mariam Naeem

Mariam Naeem

  • عن بعد/اونلاين
  • 0/5
  • الجنسية: EG مصر Egypt
  • أنثى
  • 2023-08-10

Dedicated ESL teacher focused on providing innovative and inspiring classroom environment. Demonstrated history of encouraging students to master English while also nurturing love of language. Committed to consistently evaluating and improving program efficiency.

Through my academic journey, I applied a strong focus on building my Skill building and Classroom management abilities. My academic strengths have greatly contributed to the development of my management, collaboration and critical thinking skills. I bring clear and effective communicating to build professional connections with students. During my time at Easy Math Academy, I developed strong skills in classroom management and curriculum planning. One of my proudest accomplishments was creating a new project-based learning curriculum that saw 20% improvements in both student engagement and test scores. Seeing my students thrive brought me immense joy and satisfaction. As someone who is passionate about education and has a wealth of experience as a teacher, I would be an excellent addition to your educational career. 

Bachelor of Arts in English Literature 

المواد التي يدرسها

Teaching English as a Second Language 


مصر/الجيزة -

لا يوجد شروحات سابقة

لا يوجد دورات يقدمها المدرس

لا يوجد خدمات يقدمها المدرس

الشهادة الوصف

مدرسون آخرون في مصر/الجيزة

مدرسون آخرون يدرّسون عن بعد

محتاج مساعدة باختيار المدرس الافضل؟ تواصل مع فريقنا الان لمساعدتك بتأمين افضل مدرس
ماهو التخصص الذي تبحث عنه؟
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